Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blessed are the Peacemakers


We have partnered with an unlikely group of individuals who are incredibly helpful in promoting the Lords work of serving others here in the Philippines. I am talking of the Philippines Marines. We have become good friends with the officer in charge of humanitarian activities and the Marines have been a tremendous help on several official and non official projects. This is particularly true in the southern regions of the Philippines that have historically been an area of conflict and civil unrest. Local politics are dominated by oppressive families who with private armies are a law unto themselves. There have been many kidnappings, bombings, and murders. Due to safety concerns we are not allowed to travel there. However the Marines are there and have decided to dedicate 80% of their efforts in that area to humanitarian projects. They believe that peace can be better served through acts of kindness, rather than aggression. To this end we have worked together on water projects, agricultural and livelihood projects, wheelchair distribution and school supplies for children.
Dennis and I have been involved personally, not through LDS Charities, in helping the Marines gather toys to distribute to children in the Muslin regions of Basilan and Sulu, in Mindanao. They put on a “Winter Celebration” (Muslins, so no Christmas) where they feed the kids, play games and give each a gift. Yesterday the Major General was coming to pick up the toys, and we felt so bad because due to time constrains we only had a few things to offer. We had even contacted the US Marines trying to hook up with their “Toys for Tots Drive” but we were too late. Our version of a “Christmas Miracle” happened when just hours before the general's arrival the local mission office called and asked if we could use a toy shipment. It was heaven sent! A mother of a local missionary from Canada had been collecting toys all year that she was able to ship to the Philippines free of charge in a huge box. It was a generous and much needed addition to the supply of toys. We were overjoyed and the Marines were so excited, “like kids at Christmas.”
Also included in the box was children’s clothing and canned food. We have another personal project and that is Mabuhay Deseret, a house for poor children and their caretakers to stay while the patients recover from free surgical services. They had sufficient toys but were in need of food and clothes. We were so happy to spread the blessing of the Canadian woman’s efforts to them.
We are so humbled and thankful for the knowledge that the Lord truly is involved and blesses us at every turn. He is mindful of the needy little Muslin kids in Mindanao, and even the Philippine Marines who are striving so hard to be peacemakers.

These pictures I added later, they are of the party that was held

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